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Organizations That Hired Through the Talent Directory

How to Use the Directory
Apply filters to the directory by adding them in the top left menu in the Airtable view.
You are more likely to get a response from a candidate if you reach out via email. If you'd like email addresses of candidates, please apply for access to our recruiter directory.
You can also download information about candidates to a CSV file. You can do this under the ellipsis ("...") menu item located in the directory's top menu bar in the Airtable view.
To help us ensure that the Talent Directory is as useful to you as possible, we need your feedback!
Let us know what works, what doesn't, and what we can build to better serve you.
Board Members
Access a directory of professionals interested in joining the board of an impactful organization.
Access a directory of professionals interested in volunteering with an impactful organization/project.
Co-Founders / Collaborators
Access a directory of professionals looking for people to start an impactful organization/project with.